My work engages the environment through a variety of media including textiles, sculpture, photography, and printmaking. I constantly explore the details and textures of both macrocosms and microcosms in nature. My reduction linocuts investigate the abstracted patterns observed in the landscape during my daily commute while my photography and textiles focus on growth and life-cycles that exist on the periphery in the world of plants, fungi, mosses, and lichen. Playing with scale and textures, my work incorporates a child-like wonder, taking time to delight in colors and patterns. There is an element of imagination as tiny forms become larger and the viewer can visually explore details and textures not readily accessible in the original forms.
Through research and collaboration with organizations like the Highlands Biological Station in Highlands, NC, I seek to find ways of bringing the beauty and curiosities of nature to a broader audience. My work has been exhibited in galleries regionally, nationally, and internationally.
I received my BA in Painting from Salem College in 2002, an MA in Art History from the University of Notre Dame in 2008 and an MFA in Studio Art at Western Carolina University in 2020.
Western Carolina University printmaking